Use Of ParaQuat for Agriculture

Farmers use Paraquat because it kills most plants quickly and easily without damaging the soil underneath them or leaving harmful residues behind after application has been completed. 

This makes it ideal for large fields where many acres need to be cleared of unwanted vegetation at once so that they can be planted with crops like cotton or wheat without interference from weeds growing alongside.

The main reason farmers use Paraquat is that it works quickly, often within 24 hours, which means that farmers can apply it just before harvest so that it doesn’t affect their yield or product quality. 

It is very useful for controlling weeds growing near row crops such as corn or soybeans that are ready to be harvested within a few days of application.

Benefits of Using ParaQuat

1) Paraquat is effective against many difficult weeds, including those that have developed resistance to other herbicides, because it has multiple modes of action.

2) When used with other herbicides that work differently, it helps maintain effectiveness while reducing weed resistance.

3) Paraquat acts fast in all seasons, no matter the conditions: hot, dry, wet, early, or late season.

4) Once sprayed, Paraquat kills weeds and becomes inactive in the soil within four days (causing no harm to soil organisms).

ParaQuat Products That are Helpful for Farmers

Para force

Para force is ideal for manual weeding on significant crops like tea, potato, cotton, grape, rubber, and sunflower. The herbicide also controls important weeds in crops like SCene, Rice, Maize, etc. ParaForce is a nonselective herbicide used on any crop without creating issues.

Uni Quat 

Uni quat is a nonselective contact herbicide used for pre-crop emergence weed control, directed post-crop emergence weed control, plantation weed control, and burndown in sugarcane.

Uni Quat has low phytotoxicity towards sugarcane. It has no residual activity and is safe to use with other registered agrochemicals.


Tagquit is a quaternary nitrogen herbicide widely used for weed control. It is manufactured by the company Tagquit and has several active ingredients. The product was developed to help farmers control weeds on their fields without using other chemicals or fertilizers.

Tag Quit is typically applied directly to the soil, but it can also be sprayed on plants that have been watered with water mixed with the chemical. This product can be used on any plant and will kill most weeds within 24 hours of application.


MILQUAT is a broad-spectrum, nonselective & contact herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride A.I, which effectively controls broadleaved weeds & grasses. 

MILQUAT is used to control many annual & perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in various crops like cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, oilseeds, etc. It can also be used to control perennial weeds in non-cropping areas such as roadsides and railway tracks.

Final Note

Paraquat is a selective herbicide used for weed control in crops and non-crop areas. It acts on the chloroplast of plants to induce rapid necrosis of the leaves and shoots. This not only kills the plant but also prevents seed formation.

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